Second Prostitution Scandal in Recent Weeks Rocks Obama Administration

Brazilian prostitute had collar bone broken when three U.S. marines threw her out of a moving Embassy car in fresh embarrassment for Obama.

Brazilian prostitute had collar bone broken when three U.S. marines threw her out of a moving Embassy car in fresh embarrassment for Obama.

New reports and information regarding a second, and completely separate prostitution scandal, are beginning to come out, which continues to cause havoc in the Obama administration, and throughout Washington as a whole, after the first Hooker Scandal hit a couple weeks ago.

This new Prostitution Scandal took place in Brazil, where it is alleged that a Brazilian prostitute was badly injured after being thrown out of a moving official Embassy car, after the prostitute quoted a price that one or more of the three marines didn’t like.

After news of the assault on the prostitute started to leak, the Embassy – eager to cover-up the crime – quietly tracked down the women and secretly paid her medical bills, to try and keep her quiet, but the Brazilian hooker now plans sue for her attack and injuries.

According to a Brazilian police investigation, the four U.S. Embassy officials had visited a nightclub in the centre of Brasilia where

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Did Obama Lie About Mother’s Health Insurance?

Did Obama lie to the American People about his mother’s fight with the insurance company to pull the wool over our eyes?

A new book named “A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother”, by former New York Times reporter Janny Scott, is telling a completely different story regarding the problems that Obama’s mother had with her health insurance.

If the book is correct then Obama has lied over and over to the American People, and used his mother’s death as a political tool. Conservatives will be shocked, and liberals will not care, but this is typical Democrat politics!

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama often discussed his mother’s struggle with cancer. Ann Dunham spent the months before her death in 1995, Obama said, fighting with insurance companies that sought to deny her the coverage she needed to pay for treatment.

“I remember in the last month of her life, she wasn’t thinking about how to get well, she wasn’t thinking about coming to terms with her own mortality, she was thinking about whether or not insurance

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