Tax-Skirting NFL Bullies Threaten Arizona to Give Up Religious Freedom or Lose 2015 Super Bowl
The NFL are a bunch of elitist tax-skirting bullies, who are threatening Arizona to not assert their religious freedoms, or the big bad NFL may punish Arizona by taking away the 2015 Super Bowl.
I say big deal, take away the piece of crap Super Bowl, where most people would rather watch the TV commercials than the football game. Personally, I’m pretty much done watching overrated and overpaid juiced-up players playing a game that rules changes has turned into a game for pussies.
I also say that there is no reason why the NFL doesn’t pay taxes on the $ billions they pull in every year, which needs to change. These big businesses, like the NFL, need to stop receiving the special treatment that they have enjoyed for decades, and actually pay their fair share of taxes, like the rest of us are expected to do.
…Call it what you want — anti-gay or religious rights — but if Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signs a
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