Mobs of Looting Criminal Thugs Again Target Ferguson Businesses While “Riot Friendly” Police Sat Back and Watched
Overnight, the packs of looting criminal thugs went crazy again in Ferguson, looting more businesses while the police mostly just sat back and watched the crimes take place. Other police drove by but did not even stop.

Mobs of Looting Criminal Thugs Again Target Ferguson Businesses While “Riot Friendly” Police Sat Back and Watched
We have heard from sources that, due to pressure by the Obama administration, the State Police told the local Police to stand down, and not stop the looters. So, as the looting raged into the night, police dressed in riot gear sat back and watched looters gut these businesses.
Police did not even attempt to arrest ANYONE running out of these businesses with armloads, bagloads, and bucketloads of stolen merchandise. What wasn’t stolen was smashed and destroyed.
The mobs of looters went on unchallenged until around 4:30am, when some shop owners started showing up with their own guns to try and protect their own stores, and the only thing that really stopped the looting was the rain.
Police say that they were “outnumbered” and couldn’t do …
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