Brainless Democrats Fear Global Warming Lie More than REAL Threats Like ISIS Terrorists

Brainless Democrats Fear Global Warming Lie More than REAL Threats Like ISIS Terrorists

Brainless Democrats Fear Global Warming Lie More than REAL Threats Like ISIS Terrorists

Global Warming has been all but proven to be a lie – a vehicle that allows the Democrats to impose many new taxes and restrictions, and most importantly to redistribute wealth from the ambitious to the lazy.

Democrats have worked long and hard to make the new taxes and regulations seem necessary “to save the earth”, but everyone, other than stupid brainwashed liberals, knows that Global Warming is just a huge concocted lie.

In fact, a new Pew Research Center/USA Today Poll shows that idiots on the left actually fear the Global Warming Lie more than terrorists of ISIS, who’s stated goals are to kill as many Americans as they can, and to fly the ugly flag of Islam over the White House.

The stupid liberals also fear the Global Warming Lie more than the nuclear weapon programs of Iran and North Korea.


Democrats are more afraid of global warming than the threat posed by the Islamic State terrorists,

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Liberal Global Warming Lie Further Unravels as Corrupt Scientists Quietly Return 1936 to Record of Actual Warmest Months

Corrupt liberal so-called “scientists” who swore up and down that July 2012 was the earth’s hottest month on record have been caught cooking the books, and have started to undo some of their lies.


One liberal lie about the Global Warming Scam was that July 2012 was the warmest month on record, but the so-called “scientists” who came up with the global warming lie are now reverting back to the truth, which is that the hottest day on earth since records started to be kept was actually July 1936.

There are even reports that show the Earth has not warmed at all in over 15 years, yet corrupt liberal criminals keep pushing their global warming lie because it makes them a lot of money, and allows them to steal even more money from the pockets of the American People, and handed over to their friends and supporters.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, criticized for manipulating temperature records to create a warming trend, has now been caught warming the past and cooling the present.

July 2012 became the hottest month

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Useless Liberal Eyesore Reddit Supports Liberal Global Warming Lie – Blocks Global Warming Skeptics & Truth

No wonder why Reddit is a worthless waste of time, as far as social media outlets are concerned.

Useless Liberal Eyesore Reddit Supports Liberal Global Warming Lie - Blocks Global Warming Skeptics

Useless Liberal Eyesore Reddit Supports Liberal Global Warming Lie – Blocks Global Warming Skeptics

A Reddit content editor has come out and said that Reddit started blocking people who don’t believe the lie of Man-Made Global Warming.

That’s fine, The reddit website is a royal piece of shit that I wouldn’t put my eyes and brain through the pain and suffering of using.

It’s funny though that such a waste of web development and bandwidth like would have enough users to start blocking half of them, if not more, and we think that reddit will go under in a couple years anyway.

Reddit’s tagline says “reddit is a website about everything”, but obviously that is not the case. Reddit may be a website about everything Liberal, but they are not a website that cares to tell the truth about the Global Warming Lie, put forward by some corrupt scientists who are probably making money of their lie that Man cause an …

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Brain Dead UN Liberals Continue Claiming Human Cause to Global Warming Ignore No Warming in Last 15 Years

Brain Dead UN Liberals Continue Claiming Human Cause to Global Warming Ignore No Warming in Last 15 Years

Brain Dead UN Liberals Continue Claiming Human Cause to Global Warming Ignore No Warming in Last 15 Years

Liberals continue to claim that humans are the cause of Global Warming, even though there has been almost no warming of the earth in over 15 years.

The fact that the earth stopped warming over 15 years ago was completely ignored by a new UN report on climate change because the absence of global warming does not help the liberals continue their decade-old global warming scam.

Al Gore is the ringmaster of the brain-dead liberals perpetuating the global warming lie, for no other reason than to put more dirty money in his own pockets.

An exhaustive United Nations report that claimed with 95% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming left out data that found the planet has stopped warming over the last 15 years, because it did not fit with the climate change agenda it wanted to advance.

The report, produced by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), could not explain “why the planet has largely stopped warming

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