US Government Allows 55 Million Baby Murders Since Roe V Wade – Many Paid For By Unsuspecting Americans

US Government Allows 55 Million Baby Murders Since Roe V Wade - Many Paid For By Unsuspecting Americans

US Government Allows 55 Million Baby Murders Since Roe V Wade – Many Paid For By Unsuspecting Americans

Since the Roe V Wade decision (44 years), the US government has allowed the murder of over 55 million babies. Many of these baby murders were performed by liberal baby murderers like Kermit Gosnell, or Planned Parenthood, which receives federal funds provided to the government by you and me. So in reality, you and I are paying for the abortions of these liberal scumbags.

Niberal nutjobs are dancing and singing in the streets at the thought of being able to kill as many of their babies as possible for the past 40 years.

At the rate that liberals are purposely killing their babies, it would take 125 years of smoking deaths to equal the amount of dead that baby-murdering liberals have produced in just 40 years.

If anything else was killing around 1.21 million people each and every year in America for 40 years, there would be a huge backlash, and a lot of negative media coverage, but these aren’t just deaths, …

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