Atheist Director Brags Flop Film ‘Noah’ is Least Biblical Bible Movie Ever Produced
The self-professed atheist director, Darren Aronofsky, has been bragging that the film ‘Noah’, which is purported to follow the biblical story of Noah and the building of Noah’s Arc, but in reality is just an attempt by an atheist to dupe Christians out of their money, while tricking them into watching a film that has almost no resemblance to the real story of Noah and his Arc, and doesn’t even mention the name God – not even once.
And to think that Russell Crowe and others involved with the ‘Noah’ movie wanted to meet with the Pope, and even wanted the Pope to watch their croc-of-shit movie.
I will not be going to see this film, and recommend that Christians spend their entertainment money elsewhere. Christians should not give money to an atheist, or liberals who have no use for religion, even while making a movie from the books of the Bible.
…Note to Christians and those who believe the Bible: The producer of the movie “Noah,”
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