Anonymous Reveals Identities of KKK Members, Democrats Run Scared & Quickly Close Twitter Accounts
Many Democrats are running scared after the hacking group Anonymous, revealed the names and pictures of many KKK members.
The media kept as far away from this story as they could because, if the media would have reported that Anonymous has released the identities of KKK members, they would have had to report on one of the biggest secrets of the Democrat party.
Reporting on Anonymous outing the KKK would have also debunked the decades old Democrat lie about racist Republicans, which the left just cannot have happen. The Democrats need to try and keep up the facade that their party is something other than the party of the KKK, and the party that fought a war, and almost broke up the United States to try and keep slavery alive.
Slavery is alive and well today, thanks to the Democrat system of giving away free handouts, in return for political support from the recipients of the free government gifts.
We hope there is lot more reporting on the identities of KKK members, so the world will be able to see …
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