Brain-Dead Biden Asks Grieving Father About Size of Son’s Balls – While Standing Next to Casket
Imagine this for a minute.
The always classy Joe Biden walks over to the grieving family of Tyrone Woods, one our Navy SEALS killed in the terrorist attack against our Benghazi consulate, while standing at the casket of their dead Son, and says in a ‘loud and boisterous’ voice that everyone could hear, ‘Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’
According to the father of Tyrone Woods, this actually happened!
What kind of brain-dead jack-hole would inquire about the size of this family’s dead Son’s balls, instead of actually trying to comfort the family?
We think the reason is because Obama actually wanted and allowed this attack to happen so that he could try and rally the country together similar to what happened after the first 9/11, except this would be right before the …
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