California Democrats Want to Keep Option Open to Kill Babies For Sex Selection Purposes

California Democrats Want to Keep Option Open to Kill Their Babies For Sex Selection

California Democrats Want to Keep Option Open to Kill Their Babies For Sex Selection

The sicko California Democrats want to keep their options open – like their option to kill their babies for the sole purpose of selecting the sex which the parents prefer.

All thirteen Democrats on the California State Assembly Health Committee voted down the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (AB 2336) which would outlaw sex-selection abortions.

For example, a woman gets pregnant and really wants a daughter. When she realizes that the baby she is carrying is a male, the woman kills the male baby and gets pregnant again, hoping for a girl. If the next baby is a male, she will kill the baby again and start over again. How many babies will this one woman kill in order to have the one daughter she wants?

The weak, waste of space Democrats did vote to condemn sex-selection abortions as a way to still be able to say to the American People that they were against this disgusting practice of sex-selection through abortion, while actually supporting it.

On Tuesday,

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