VP Joe “Gaffe Machine” Biden Kisses Stranger on Lips at Restaurant Campaign Stop
Vice President Joe Biden actually kissed a stranger on the lips today on a campaign trip. The lady simply and innocently said “You gotta keep the chair”, and Biden hauled off and kisses her on the lips?
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What would he do if she actually was coming on to him? Pull a Clinton and get a BJ out of the deal?
So now we don’t just have a joke for a Vice President, but we have a another Womanizing Joke of a Democrat for a Vice President.
From the pool report:
…At 2:30, Biden stopped at Antone’s Italian Grill, a slightly swankier-than-average, food booth. “I just ate lunch,” Biden said before considering the options on the menu and then asking the staff for their recommendation. They suggested the $6 fried cheese — balls of fried cheese, with tomato sauce and pasta. “This is a meal,” he said, after being handed the plate. “Holy mackerel.” He handed over a $20 bill and didn’t ask for any change. “Good recommendation,
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