Anti-Israel Obama Administration Snubs Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu For Dave Letterman Appearance

Anti-Israel Obama Administration Snubs Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu For Dave Letterman Appearance
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested a meeting with Obama regarding Iran’s nuclear program while he would be in the US, but Obama feels that his time is better spent visiting the “Late Show” and jackass womanizer “comedian” David Letterman – who was caught cheating on his wife with multiple interns and subordinates that worked Letterman’s production company, Worldwide Pants.
After this story blew up in the media, the Obama administration realized how bad this looks for them, so Obama shoehorned a phone call to Netanyahu into his schedule of going on Late Night shows, talk radio shows, and reading from his teleprompter at campaign stops.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is getting fed up with the Obama administration doing anything they can to avoid dealing with Iran’s looming destructive powers. …
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