Ridin’ the Storm Out: Todd Akin Still Gives Missouri a Chance to Boot Obama Lapdog Claire McCaskill

Ridin’ the Storm Out: Akin Still Gives MO a Good Chance to Send Obama Lapdog Claire McCaskill Packing
Representative Akin took a lot of heat for uttering one stupid sentence that was obviously not thought out or worded correctly. Akin took responsibility for the statement and apologized immediately, and yet across the country called for Mr. Akin’s head on a pike while trying to force him to withdraw from the senate race against corrupt Senator Claire McCaskill.
Tod Akin did not waver or bend to the intense pressure that he must have felt from all sides, and has actually kept the race close with McCaskill on little money and less support.
After weathering the storm, Todd Akin has now started to get support back from different important people and organizations, including the Republican establishment, so he can start to really compete again, with little time to get up to speed.