Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families

The despicable Democrats basically spit in the face of the living relatives of some of our fallen heroes’ family members by walking out on the hearing, because they didn’t want to hear what the family members had to say.

Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families

Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families – The empty side of the room belongs to the Democrats. The only Democrats who stayed were Ranking Member Elijah Cummings and Rep. Jackie Speier.

Why wouldn’t Democrats want to stay in the hearing and listen to family members of fallen US heroes, who were killed in the Benghazi Terrorist Attack? Probably because Democrats are embarrassed that they have been covering up their leaders unbelievable ineptness and corruption for over a year, including the Obama administration’s underhanded arms deals with our enemies that backfired, which most likely led directly to the deaths of our fallen heroes in Benghazi, the call to step down and not try and rescue our people, when there was plenty of time to do so, and the decision to lie over and …

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Saudi Arabia Also Warned U.S. About Boston Bomber – Obama Admin Ignored Russia and Saudi Arabia Warnings

Not only did Russian officials warn Obama’s corrupt and worthless Homeland Security department about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev on multiple occasions, but now we are learning that Saudi Arabia also warned Obama’s DHS in writing back in 2012. Warnings that were ignored, just as the Russian warnings were ignored by DHS.

Saudi Arabia Also Warned U.S. About Boston Bomber - Obama Admin Ignored Russia and Saudi Arabia Warnings

I put the blame for the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack squarely on the Obama administration, who seems more interested in parties and golf than keeping our nation safe. It shows also, because Obama has allowed us to be attacked successfully over 5 times in under 4 years.

Bull-Dyke Janet Napolitano is definitely scary and all, but she has no clue what she is doing when homeland security is involved, and should be held accountable for the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack, which could have easily been stopped if Napolitano was doing her job.

Hopefully we will soon learn a lot more about Napolitano’s corruption and ineptness in regards to this and other schemes, like ignoring our nation’s immigration laws, DHS Ammo Stockpiling designed by Democrats as a backdoor revocation of …

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Report: Hillary Clinton Ignored Benghazi Consulate Attack Warnings – Obama Admin Covered-Up Failures

Report: Hillary Clinton Ignored Benghazi Consulate Attack Warnings - Obama Admin Covered-Up FailuresAs we have all known since the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, the Democrats ignored warning signs that an attack was eminent, including warnings from our now dead U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

After the consulate attack, Obama and the Democrats deliberately lied to the American People over and over, trying cover-up their ineptness and failures.

Leave it to the brain-dead Pseudo-Republican leadership to release a report telling us everything we already knew.

With conservatives voting to re-elect pussies like Susan Collins, Kelly Ayotte, Mark Kirk, and the biggest pussy of all – John McCain, it’s no wonder why Republican party is now basically extinct.

House Republicans have concluded that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies bear no blame for failing to halt the terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last year, releasing a report Tuesday that said President Obama and the State Department set up the military for failure.

The report also found that plenty of intelligence presaged the attack, but the White House and State Department — including the secretary at

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Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup – Lies – Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

It’s almost funny that jack-ass Eric Holder keeps denying knowledge of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, when anyone who has been paying attention can see, full-well, that Eric Holder and the DOJ have been lying through their teeth to try and coverup their ineptness, save themselves the embarrassment, and keep their jobs. It would definitely be funny if the guns that Eric Holder let walk were not used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.

How can a U.S. Attorney General, who received multiple memos telling him about problems with the Justice Department’s gun running scheme, then turn around and say that he was not aware of the gunwalking scheme, or the problems associated with the DOJ gunwalking scheme? If Eric Holder was not aware of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, or the problems associated with the gun-running scheme, that is HIS OWN FAULT, and we think that Eric Holder actually didn’t WANT to know about the dangers …

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