Independent Counsel Probe Needed After Corrupt PA’s Democrat AG Dropped Prosecution of Four Corrupt Democrat Legislators

An independent council probe is needed to look into the corrupt actions of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, after Kane dropped the prosecution of four Democrat legislators who have been accused of taking bribes in exchange for votes – a VERY serious crime!

Independent Counsel Probe Needed After PA's Democrat AG Dropped Prosecution of Four Corrupt Democrat Legislators

Independent Counsel Probe Needed After PA’s Democrat AG Dropped Prosecution of Four Corrupt Democrat Legislators

“The public must be assured that a full and fair review has been conducted by someone without any personal or political interest in the outcome. There are also extremely disturbing allegations that demand an independent, non-partisan investigation to determine if any laws were violated.” – Committee of Seventy President and CEO Zack Stalberg

Prosecutors have over 400 hours of audio and videotape that show four Democratic state legislators from Philadelphia taking payments in cash or money orders, yet the corrupt Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane dropped the investigations for political reasons.

Corrupt Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is trying to protect the members of her Democrat party, and her corruption may just land herself in prison. – We hope that corrupt Pennsylvania …

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