Terry McAuliffe May Have Illegally Funneled $211,000 To His Election Campaign & Virginia Democratic Party
Terry McAuliffe has only been Governor of Virginia for 3 months, and he has already started acting like a true Democrat. Corrupt and Entitled.

Terry McAuliffe May Have Illegally Funneled $211,000 To His Election Campaign & Virginia Democratic Party
Mr. McAuliffe seems to have found a way to skirt the law, and funnel $211,000 from his inaugural fund back to his election campaign, and to the Virginia Democratic Party – a practice that was banned years ago by the Virginia legislature.
Mr. McAuliffe really picks up fast on the Democrat way of doing things, which is break the law, deny all guilt, and then use the complicit Democrat Media Arm to cover-up corrupt or criminal actions.
…The Virginia legislature years ago banned governors from donating excess inauguration funds to political causes, but that hasn’t stopped Gov. Terry McAuliffe from finding a way to route $211,000 from his inaugural fund back to his election campaign and the Virginia Democratic Party, disclosure records show.
Mr. McAuliffe’s aides say the two $78,000 checks his inaugural committee sent to his campaign committee along with
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