Ben Affleck Demanded PBS Program Hide History of Slave-Owning Ancestors – Untrustworthy Network Hides Racist Past
Hacked Sony emails show that untrustworthy PBS, Sony and Ben Afflect have all colluded to remove facts from the “Finding Your Roots” program about ancestors of Ben Affleck owning slaves.

Ben Affleck Demanded PBS Program Hide History of Slave-Owning Ancestors – Untrustworthy Network Hides Racist Past
I’m glad that Sony got hacked! Now we get to see how slimy these companies, organizations, and people really are.
This secret slimeball edit was done after Ben Affleck demanded that they remove the info about his family’s racist slave-owning past, to try and deceive the American People, as Affleck had a couple big movies coming out, and didn’t want revelations about his racist family doing harm to his box office take.
Now we will have to fact check and second guess all of the shit that PBS/Sony puts out, because we know that they are just corrupt liberal assholes that are for sale, and will break their own rules to try and save a fellow liberal some embarrassment and money.
…Ben Affleck insisted on censoring the fact that one of his ancestors owned
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