Criminal Hillary Clinton Deleted Over 30,000 Incriminating Emails From Her Private Mail Server To Stay Out Of Prison
Hillary Clinton is so fucking full of shit, it’s unbelievable! This is a horribly corrupt criminal, who belongs in prison many times over for a plethora of crimes throughout the years. She’s a Clinton though, and has never actually been held accountable… Yet.

Criminal Hillary Clinton Deleted Over 30,000 Work-Related Emails From Her Private Mail Server to Save Her Ass From Prison
Now that she has been caught, Hillary says that she only used one account, and that the mail server “will remain private” – basically telling the American People that we will never learn the truth about the emails she has been trying to hide and destroy.
We know this is bullshit, and that Hillary used multiple personal email accounts Hillary most likely used about 21 email accounts ( –, and just wants people to believe that the emails from the one account so they don’t start digging into the others.
- Hillary claims to have setup the mail server for Bill to use, except Bill Clinton doesn’t use email.
- Hillary claims to have setup the mail server
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