Dangerous Open Borders: Obama Admin Further Dismantling Border Protection to Leave Borders Open

Dangerous Open Borders: Obama Admin Further Dismantling Border Protection to Leave Borders Open

Dangerous Open Borders: Obama Admin Further Dismantling Border Protection to Leave Borders Open

Obama keeps doing everything he can to make our nation easier to infiltrate, and easier to attack. It is working also, because under Obama we have been attacked multiple times, which were not stopped. The majority of the failed terrorist attacks on our nation since Obama took office were not caught by authorities, but failed because the terrorists didn’t know how to make bombs, and their bombs didn’t explode properly.

Now the Obama administration is closing down 9 more border stations in four border states that have high illegal immigrant and drug activity due to the porous borders?

One thing is for sure.. If and when we get attacked again, we can honestly say it was an inside job.

Could the Obama administration be accepting donations from terrorists, human traffickers, arms dealers, and drug dealers who want to have an easier time bringing their illegal goods across the border? Could this be why they are closing down the 9 border patrol stations? We would not put it …

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Obama Tries Saving 1 Job – His Own – Orders Dept. of Homeland Security to Stop Deporting Illegal Immigrants

Obama has caved in to the cries of Hispanic activists, brain-dead Democrats, and other corrupt jackasses, and has made the dangerously inept Department of Homeland Security stop deporting illegal immigrants who attend school, have a family member in the military, or are responsible for other family member’s care.

Obama is looking for all of the votes he can get in order to try and keep his job after the 2012 election. It’s not going to work though, and Obama will be thrown out of office in a huge landslide! The Department of Homeland Security barely does their job as it is, and now they will be doing even less to keep our country safe.

When Obama, Janet Napolitano, and the Democrats have their way, ALL illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay in our country with no fear of deportation. This is just a round-a-bout way of offering the illegals amnesty, without actually having to come out and call it that.

The Homeland Security Department said Thursday it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who

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