Obama’s HHS Using Taxpayer Money to Hire PR Firm Pushing Obamacare

Obama's HHS Using Taxpayer Money to Hire PR Firm Pushing ObamacareObama’s Department of Health and Human Services has decided its a good idea to spend $8 million of our money (otherwise known as the Democrat’s personal piggy-bank) to hire a PR firm in order to make Obamacare likeable.

Obamacare is hated across the country now more than it was hated when it was crammed down our throats, and I don’t think wasting an additional $8 million of our money is going to help that.

Barack Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is panicked enough about the collapse of ObamaCare that they have hired a public relations firms at a cost of $8 million to sell the program to the public.

ObamaCare’s main way of delivering health insurance is through people enrolling in the program, but enrollment has been slow, prompting the authors of the law to warn that the marketplace they desired to create is drying up already. The Obamacare healthcare exchanges are supposed to be in place by October, but ObamaCare supporters are acknowledging that HHS probably won’t make the deadline.

An HHS official said the public

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Corrupt HHS Gives Obama’s Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant

Ultra Corrupt HHS Gives Obama's Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant - Claims White House not involved.. Yea, Right!!

Ultra Corrupt HHS Gives Obama's Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant - Claims White House not involved.. Yea, Right!!

Eric Whitaker, one of President Obama’s closest friends, who plays golf and basketball with Mr. Obama, and also takes vacations with the Obamas, has been given a $5.9 million grant by the ultra-corrupt Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is headed up by the equally Corrupt HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The idiots at the HHS say that the White House was not “in any way” involved in the decision to hand over close to $6 Billion of taxpayer money, but we very seriously doubt that unbelievable claim, which will most likely turn out to be just another one of the thousands of typical Obama lies told to the American People by the Obama administration.

The people of the United States MUST to start seeing the Obama administration and their cronies for what they are – A strong-handed, hypocritical, corrupt administration, whose crime and corruption has migrated through every level and office held by Democrats in our government. …

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