Dumb-Ass Illegal Alien Offended By The Use of the Word “Illegal”

Stupid Illegal Alien Scumbag Offended By The Use of the Word "Illegal"

Stupid Illegal Alien Scumbag Offended By The Use of the Word “Illegal”

So this illegal alien jackass from the Philippines, Jose Antonio Vargas, is offended that we call him an illegal alien, but many millions of Americans are offended that the laws of our nation are being ignored by illegal aliens, and our country is being invaded by millions of people who do not belong here.

Mr. Vargas IS an illegal alien who has already benefited from being in our country illegally for over 20 years, and no matter how Mr Vargas feels, if you are an “undocumented immigrant” who entered our country illegally, then YOU ARE AN ILLEGAL ALIEN – Period!

If you are offended by being called an illegal alien, then go back to your country and immigrate to the United States the correct way, and then you will no longer be illegal. Until that time though, I don’t care that Open Borders Obama is in office, YOU ARE STILL HERE ILLEGALLY!

And I will continue calling you whatever the hell I please, and at the moment, Illegal …

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Impeached Womanizer & Accused of Rape: Bill Clinton Says Obama Made Military Less Racist, Less Sexist, and Less Homophobic

Impeached Womanizer & Accused of Rape: Bill Clinton Says Obama Made Military Less Racist, Less Sexist, and Less Homophobic

Impeached Womanizer & Accused of Rape: Bill Clinton Says Obama Made Military Less Racist, Less Sexist, and Less Homophobic

Impeached, Womanizer, Bill Clinton says that Obama made the American military less racist, less sexist and less homophobic.

“One of the things the decider-in-chief has to do is decide whether he’s going to bring this country together across all its diversity or let it drift apart. Look at how much stronger the American military is because it is less racist, less sexist and less homophobic and we’re just looking for people who can do the job”

We would have to 100% disagree that any changes the corrupt and brain-dead Obama administration made did nothing to make the military less racist, less sexist, and less homophobic, but what Obama DID do is make the military much weaker, and much less safe.

Who the hell cares what Clinton thinks anyway? Honestly, the people of the United States must have amnesia if they think that Bill Clinton is a good guy. Clinton has actually been accused of sexual assault more than 30 times, and …

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‘Yes We Can’ Social Club Busted for Drugs, Prostitution

I guess when people heard Obama’s tag line ‘Yes We Can’, they took that to mean they can literally do anything they want. With the crime and corruption they see has taken over the Democrat party, from the top down, it’s not surprising in the least.

Hell, if so many members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption feel it’s OK to evade paying taxes, having sex with prostitutes, using the Oval Office as their personal brothel, or hanging out with radical terrorists, it’s no wonder why this social club felt that they weren’t doing anything wrong.

St. Louis County police will release more information this afternoon about 30 people were taken into custody from a home in Bel-Ridge last week.

They were taken into custody shortly before midnight on August 11.

Police said they went to a home in the 8800 block of Snowhill Court to execute a search warrant for prostitution, drugs and alcohol.

According to the Missouri Secretary of State’s website, the business, Yes We Can Social Club, is run out of that home.

Police have not yet

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