Obama Lied About Meeting “Off the Record” With Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Obama Lied About Meeting “Off the Record” With Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
If Obama had met with Sebelius, at any time, there would be records of the meeting, even if the meeting was “off the record” as the Obama administration has been saying.
Not that this small lie will matter when Obama has been able to get away with much larger and more dangerous lies, which the Democrat media arm always helped Obama coverup.
The truth is that Obama didn’t even meet once with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in the 3+ years since Obama’s socialized healthcare law was passed. Why? Because Obama doesn’t care how well Obamacare works – Obama only cares that he was able to cram the unwanted and unneeded law down all American’s throats, and make it stick. If the website didn’t work, then the corrupt Obama administration has a free license to throw $ millions more of our money …
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