More Gun Manufacturers Flee Illinois Due to New Liberal Anti 2nd Amendment Policies

More Gun Manufacturers Flee Illinois Due to New Liberal Anti 2nd Amendment Policies

More Gun Manufacturers Flee Illinois Due to New Liberal Anti 2nd Amendment Policies

This is great! Gun manufacturers are fleeing the anti-2nd amendment state of Illinois at a break-neck pace, and moving to a more constitutionally-friendly state, like Iowa, which would be more in line with their businesses.

Milan Illinois is losing Lewis Machine & Tool Company (LMT), a company that operated successfully in Milan for the past 33 years. Thanks to the Democrat attack on the 2nd amendment, that 33 year run is over, and Lewis Machine & Tool Company will be moving their entire operation, and tax payments, to Davenport Iowa – a much more constitutionally-friendly state than the ultra-corrupt and anti 2nd Amendment Illinois.

Liberal Illinois is one of the most inhospitable states for Constitutional rights in America and because of that and other considerations yet another gun manufacturer is closing up shop in the Land of Lincoln and fleeing to a neighboring state.

Lewis Machine & Tool Company–known as LMT–has been in Milan, Illinois since it was founded 33 years ago. The company produces rifles for

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