Philadelphia, New Jersey & Other Cities Badly Abusing Asset Forfeiture Program to Steal From Citizens – “IF IN DOUBT … TAKE IT!”
Our government of criminals is abusing civil asset forfeiture laws, and using them to steal expensive property from citizens, knowing that the process to try and keep your property is a long and expensive road that most people will give up on before getting their property back.
When the government steals your property, you have to spend your own money to defend yourself, while the government also uses your money to try and keep your property.
Police and governments who feel that they are legally able to steal your property to enrich their departments or states are just state sanctioned criminals.
These state sanctioned criminals use loopholes to steal expensive personal property from citizens using civil asset forfeiture laws or by Eminent Domain, and belong in prison. Period!
Of course these abuses of power are taking place in liberal shithole cities in the Northeast, like Philadelphia and New Jersey, where the government doesn’t care about the people, and …
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