Fake Republican Wussy Rep. Peter King Unhappy About Phone Calls Supporting Defunding of Obamacare

Fake Republican Wussy Rep. Peter King Unhappy About Phone Calls Supporting Defunding of Obamacare

Fake Republican Wussy Rep. Peter King Unhappy About Phone Calls Supporting Defunding of Obamacare

Wussy Rep. Peter King, who is not really a Republican or a conservative, is a little upset about the phone calls he has been receiving from supporters of defunding Obamacare, calling the phone calls “vile” and “offensive”.

And where did no-nuts Peter King go to talk about the offensive phone calls, and his hatred of conservative values? MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”. That tells you all you need to know about Rep. Peter King, and all conservatives in New York should try hard to target Rep. King in the next election, and find some good candidates to run against him.

Maybe it’s just that the mere talk of Defunding Obamacare is “offensive” to No-Nuts Rep. King, because Rep. King really doesn’t want to stop Obamacare. The fake conservative probably is a supporter of Obama and the Democrats government takeover of healthcare in the United States.

Rep. Peter King probably deserves to hear the “offensive” things that they told him over the phone. People are fed up and Wussy

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New Obama Green Energy Pet Goes Bankrupt – American Taxpayer Loses $118 Million

Ener1, an Obama-backed hybrid car battery company files for bankruptcy

Ener1, an Obama-backed hybrid car battery company files for bankruptcy

Yet, another Green Energy pet of the Obama administration, Ener1, who received $118 Million in government funding, is now filing for bankruptcy! SHOCKING!!!

Take this latest waste of our money by the Obama administration, and add it to the other Obama-backed companies who took millions of dollars of our money, only to turn right around and file for bankruptcy, and I bet that the total is nearing a trillion dollars of lost money.

You can easily see that the Obama administration either has their hands dirty, in the pot of our money, or they just have no clue how to run an economy. We think it’s probably some of both! Obama definitely has no clue how to run an economy, and Obama is also very famous for spreading our wealth to his friends, family, and supporters.

The parent company of an electric car battery maker that received more than $100 million in government funding from the Obama administration has filed for bankruptcy protection, the company announced Thursday.

Alex Sorokin, the

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National Renewable Energy Lab: Another $1 Billion Green Jobs Failure for Obama

Obama’s Green Jobs scam and failures takes another hit when the “National Renewable Energy Lab” who received about $1 billion in government funding, and started receiving a 64 percent increase in their funding during the Obama administration, just announced a plan to lay off about 10 percent of its staff. So much for Obama’s Green Energy Jobs…

“Their funding for 2008 was $328 million, In 2010 it was $536.5 million. They’ve had a 64 percent increase in their funding during the Obama administration.”

President Barack Obama’s “green jobs” initiatives suffered another major blow late Monday, as the nonprofit National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colorado, announced a plan to lay off roughly 10 percent of its staff through a voluntary buy-out plan.

According to the Denver Post, the lab plans to eliminate between 100 and 150 of its 1,350 jobs. The Obama administration supported the NREL in 2009 with roughly $200 million in stimulus grants. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu visited Golden in May 2009 to promote the NREL as a beneficiary of those funds.

At the time, the Associated Press

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