Wright & Wrong: Obama’s Other Racist Reverend Thinks America & All White People are Going to Hell

Obama’s Inauguration Reverend Says All White People are Going to Hell & America “Going to Hell in a Hand Basket”
Now we add the “New Rev. Wright”, Rev. Joseph Lowery, who Obama gave the Medal of Freedom to in 2009, and has been playing the race card in spades as he tries to get out the black vote for Obama.
Racist Rev. Joseph Lowery, who gave the benediction during President Barack Obama’s 208 inauguration, has recently said while campaigning for Obama that “I don’t know what kind of a ni–er wouldn’t vote with a black man running”, and suggested that America and most or all white people would be going to hell.
Rev. Lowery says that the racist quote about all whites going to hell was just a joke, but what else is he going to say?
That’s not a joke though – Rev. Lowery’s comments are pure racism and hatred, typical of the entitled, hateful, …
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