Reverend of NC Cornerstone Church Bill Godair Falsely Claims Mistreatment by Salisbury Officer – Police Video Proves So-Called Reverend Lied
Bill Godair, a so-called “reverend” of North Carolina’s Cornerstone Church, was caught speeding in his Hummer SUV, and now he is lying about the encounter with the police.

Reverend of NC Cornerstone Church Bill Godair Falsely Claims Mitreatment by Salisbury Officer – Police Video Proves So-Called Reverend Lied
After receiving a ticket for speeding 58 mph in a 45-mph zone, Godair teamed up with the worthless racist NAACP organization, and started lying about the actions of the officer during the traffic stop, falsely claiming that he was mistreated by the police officer who stopped him.
Godair claims that he has experienced mistreatment by the police in Salisbury, and even said “With all of the issues that have taken place in Ferguson, Missouri, I refuse to sit back and not do anything or say anything until Ferguson, Missouri, becomes a reality here in Salisbury.”.
Police video of the traffic stop shows that the police acted very professionally and respectfully towards Godair. The stop went just as it should have, and Godair was never mistreated, or had any reason to be “scared”, …
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