Black and Hispanic Families Lose More Wealth Under Obama Admin than Other Groups

Unemployment Rate for Blacks Jumps to 14.4 Percent - Hispanic and Latino Unemployment Rate at 11.0 PercentThis goes to show how completely unconcerned Obama and his cronies are with the plight of African Americans and Hispanic people.

If Obama was concerned with the living standard of African Americans and Hispanic families, you would have seen some kind of positive change in the earning ratios of those groups, but this is far from the case.

In fact an Urban Institute study shows that the earning ratios for African Americans and Hispanic families has not improved at all, and has actually gotten much worse under the Obama administration.

We will say it again, and this time include Hispanics.
Obama Doesn’t Care About Black People or Hispanic People unless they are rich and donating loads of their money to the perpetual Obama campaign.

Millions of Americans suffered a loss of wealth during the recession and the sluggish recovery that followed. But the last half-decade has proved far worse for black and Hispanic families than for white families, starkly widening the already large gulf in wealth between non-Hispanic white Americans and most minority groups, according to a new study from

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Obama Doesn’t REALLY Care About Black People – Black Unemployment Sky-High

Obama Doesn't REALLY Care About Black People - Black Unemployment Sky-HighObama as done absolutely nothing for the Black Community, and even less for blacks who are unemployed.

Instead of helping blacks, he has squandered away funds that could have been used to help on green energy companies that were already failing, and who ended up taking huge amounts of our money, only to file bankruptcy, making our money disappear in a quick poof of air.

Obama knew that these companies would go under, but saw an easy way to line the pockets of his friends and supporters with our money, in exchange for more political donations, and voter fraud to help win the election.

Democrats and blacks seem to hate President Bush, but in reality President Bush was the only president who gave a damn about the Black Community. Under President Bush, black unemployment was the lowest it has been in the last 50 years.

  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under President Bush is 7% unemployment.
  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under Obama is 13.8% unemployment.

This proves that Obama doesn’t care about black people. He only cares …

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Do African Americans Really Care about Racism? If So Research BEFORE You Vote

Obama has completely failed the African American Community for four years, yet continues to enjoy a lot of support from the Black Americans.. If not due to pure racism, Why?

Do African Americans Really Care about Racism?  If So Research BEFORE You Vote

Do African Americans Really Care about Racism? If So Research BEFORE You Vote

African Americans: Do your research BEFORE you vote and you will see that, unless you have something to give him, Obama doesn’t care about you, or the problems in the African American Community!

For many years, Republicans have been falsely accused by Democrats of being racist, and trying to take away the freedoms of African Americans, but in reality it is just the opposite.

It was a Republican President who led the charge to end slavery. It was Republicans who gave their lives to free the slaves, and still to this day, Republicans fight for the Black Community.

Do a few Google searches to see what political party has always been in favor of keeping slavery legal, and and what political party has always fought for the freedom and equality of African Americans.

  • Racist Democrats started the

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Democrat War on Women – Democrats Pay Male Staffers 35% More Than Female Counterparts

Democrat War on Women - Democrats Pay Male Staffers 35% More Than Female Counterparts

Democrat War on Women - Democrats Pay Male Staffers 35% More Than Female Counterparts

The secret Democrat War on Women is in full swing, with male Democrat Senate Staffers making over $20K or 35% more than the females.

This is priceless! At the same time the ultra-corrupt Democrats try and push their “Republican War on Women” lie and others on the American People, we learn that Senate Democrats pay their women staffers far less than they pay their male counterparts!

In Washington, Patty Murray (D.Wash.) is the worst offender, paying her female staff members on average $21,000 or 35.2 percent less than the male staffers she employs.

The Hilariously Hypocritical Democrats have the funniest way of falsely accusing Republicans of doing the same crap that they are currently guilty of doing themselves.

1) Obama attacks Romney For Care of Dog – Obama ate his dogs while living in Indonesia with his stepfather.
2) Obama attacks Mitt Romney for allegedly bullying another boy 40-50 years ago while in high school – Obama tormented and assaulted a little girl named Coretta,

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African Americans for Mixed Color Obama? WHAT A JOKE!!

Obama launches “African Americans for Obama”

Why would African Americans support a half black and half white president who has done NOTHING for the African American community?

  • Unemployment in the African American community is now at a staggering 16.7%!
  • The white-black wealth gap also is the widest since census began tracking such data in 1984!
  • Obama has forced more African Americans to use food stamps than any previous administration!



Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Obama Raises National Debt Over $15 Trillion

Obama has increased US debt to over $15 trillion

Obama has increased US debt to over $15 trillion

Thanks to the Obama administration’s out-of-control overspending, and dangerous liberal policies, the United States’ National Debt has now passed the $15 trillion mark!

Many people will try and say that President Bush is the reason for our out of control national debt, but the Obama administration has already spent more of our money, in one term than, President Bush spent in two terms.

When will the American People stand up to Obama and make him stop the payoffs and paybacks to his political friends and supporters?

The Financial Report of the United States, which applies corporate-style accrual accounting methods to Washington, showed the government’s liabilities exceeded assets by $14.785 trillion. That compared with a $13.473 trillion gap a year earlier.

However, the government’s net operating cost, or deficit, in the report dropped to $1.313 trillion for the year ended September 30 from $2.080 trillion the prior year, largely reflecting a drop in expected future payments under government pension programs.

“Restoring fiscal $1.313 trillion sustainability will require substantial additional changes, including tax

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