Black and Hispanic Families Lose More Wealth Under Obama Admin than Other Groups

Unemployment Rate for Blacks Jumps to 14.4 Percent - Hispanic and Latino Unemployment Rate at 11.0 PercentThis goes to show how completely unconcerned Obama and his cronies are with the plight of African Americans and Hispanic people.

If Obama was concerned with the living standard of African Americans and Hispanic families, you would have seen some kind of positive change in the earning ratios of those groups, but this is far from the case.

In fact an Urban Institute study shows that the earning ratios for African Americans and Hispanic families has not improved at all, and has actually gotten much worse under the Obama administration.

We will say it again, and this time include Hispanics.
Obama Doesn’t Care About Black People or Hispanic People unless they are rich and donating loads of their money to the perpetual Obama campaign.

Millions of Americans suffered a loss of wealth during the recession and the sluggish recovery that followed. But the last half-decade has proved far worse for black and Hispanic families than for white families, starkly widening the already large gulf in wealth between non-Hispanic white Americans and most minority groups, according to a new study from

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Republican v. Democrat: Divorce Agreement

Republican v. Democrat: Divorce Agreement

Republican v. Democrat: Divorce Agreement

This came out after the first time we elected Obama, but the latest election and the current debacles, including Benghazi and the fiscal cliff “negotiations” are making it even more applicable.

Conservatives need a divorce from the liberal disease inflicting our nation.

Republican v. Democrat: Divorce Agreement

Dear American liberals, leftists, social prog
ressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:

We have stuck together since the late 1950’s, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has run its course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right so let’s just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.

Here is a model separation agreement:

Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a portion. That will be the

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