OPIC Approves $20 Million Taxpayer Money to Luxury Car Dealership Owned by Biden Friend & Donor

The corruption in the Obama administration is never-ending!
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) approved a $20 million loan of taxpayer money to a friend and donor of Joe Biden.

OPIC Approves $20 Million Taxpayer Money to Luxury Car Dealership Owned by Biden Friend & Donor

OPIC Approves $20 Million Taxpayer Money to Luxury Car Dealership Owned by Biden Friend & Donor

Biden’s friend, John Hynanksy, is an American businessman who wishes to build a luxury car dealership in Ukraine, and it looks as though the American Taxpayer will be on the hook.

There is no doubt that Hynanksy’s friendship and donations to Obama and Biden surely helped secure the loan.

Congress is set to vote today on renewing the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (the renewal is tucked into the “Electrify Africa Act”). OPIC uses taxpayer backing to finance and insure American companies when they set up operations overseas.

For instance, in 2012, OPIC approved a $20 million loan to help an American businessman build a luxury car dealership in Ukraine. Here’s how OPIC described the project they were financing with taxpayer money:

The proceeds of the loan will be used to (i) expand Winner Import

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