Elizabeth Warren Claims to be 1st Woman Since 1895 to take NJ Bar Exam While Nursing
Even though many thousands of women have taken the bar exam in New Jersey since 1895, Elizabeth Warren is now claiming that she was the first women to ever take the Bar Exam in New Jersey while nursing a child. “I was the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey,”
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If Elizabeth Warren had a brain in her head, she would realize that this is highly improbable, and probably even a lie. Elizabeth Warren is no stranger to lying though, as she has been lying about her Cherokee heritage for many years.
It is very apparent that Elizabeth Warren has absolutely no morals, and no sense of right and wrong.. She is a Democrat though, so maybe it is to be expected.
…Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren claimed at an event in 2011 that she was the “first nursing mother” in New Jersey to take that state’s bar exam. The Boston Herald reports:
“I was the first
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