Did Bank of America Pay off Judge Howard Shore in Fake Chalk Vandalism Trial? – Judge Forbids First Amendment Defense

Did Bank of America Pay off Judge Howard Shore in Fake Chalk Vandalism Trial? – Judge Forbids First Amendment Defense
Jeff Olson used water-soluble kid’s sidewalk chalk to scribble anti-big bank messages outside Bank of America, and now faces 13 counts of vandalism, fines of up to $13,000, and also faces 13 years in jail!
13 years in jail for using water-soluble sidewalk chalk that would be washed away with the first rainfall? Unbelievable over-reach and corruption. Why??
Why would a judge not allow the defense to use the First Amendment, free speech, free expression, public forum, expressive conduct, or political speech during the trial if he was an honest judge? Could it be that Bank of America paid off Judge Howard Shore? Hmmmm… Sounds fishy to us!
We think that the judge faces a lot of backlash after forbidding an argument of …
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