Obama’s New Budget Would Rack Up Additional $3.5 Trillion in US Debt!

Obama's new budget would add $3.5 Trillion to US Deficit!

Obama's new budget would add $3.5 Trillion to US Deficit!

The CBO has scored the Obama administration’s new budget, and their non-partisan analysis shows that Obama has no plan to reduce the huge deficit that the Democrats and his administration have exploded.

The CBO analysis of Obama’s budget exposes what Obama and the Democrats don’t want you to know; that Obama and the Democrats have no idea how to reduce the Obama administration’s rampant over-spending, and are hell-bent on bankrupting our nation as quickly as possible!

President Obama’s budget would pile up an additional $3.5 trillion in debt over the next 10 years and shows the government’s trust funds running out of money in 2020, Congress’s official non-partisan scorekeeper said Friday.

In 2012 alone Mr. Obama’s budget would leave a $1.3 trillion deficit — $82 billion worse than if none of his policies were enacted. Over the next ten years the deficit would dip to less than a half-trillion dollars in 2017, but would rise again in the later years.

By 2022, a decade from now, the federal government would

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More Solar Companies Receiving Federal Loans Tied to Democratic Donors

Very soon we will all see very clearly that the Obama administration used their loan guarantee power as a means to pay back the people who helped the Obama administration – either with political support (Nancy Pelosi – Tonopah Solar) or with cash donations (George Kaiser – Solyndra Scandal).

In the past 2 years, the brash Obama administration may have been able to pull off this type of scandal without taking much heat, but the American People have awoken from their teleprompter-induced trance, and are now paying close attention to the actions of the Obama administration.

A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing companies receiving in excess of $500 million in loan guarantees from the Obama administration employ executives or board members who have donated large sums of money to Democratic campaigns.

And as questions swirl around possible connections between political donations and these preferential financing arrangements, the Obama White House suddenly began deflecting The Daily Caller’s questions on Wednesday to the Democratic National Committee.


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Obamacare Allows Government To Collect Health Records of Every American

Crazy f’ing liberals!!
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are demanding that insurance companies submit detailed health care information about their patients to a national database.

So Obamacare will allow the government to keep a National Government Health Care Records Database containing an exhaustive copy of everyone’s health records?

No Thanks!! I don’t want my information to be systematically stored in some national government database – for God know what purpose, and I definitely don’t need Kathleen Shemaleius and the Obama administration meddling with my health care records, or putting up more red tape between me and my health care needs.

It’s been said a thousand times: Congress had to pass President Obama’s health care law in order to find out what’s in it. But, despite the repetitiveness, the level of shock from each new discovery never seems to recede.

This time, America is learning about the federal government’s plan to collect and aggregate confidential patient records for every one of us.

In a proposed rule from Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of

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Obama’s Failed “Stimulus” Didn’t Create Jobs – Only Stole Jobs From Other Companies

We can now see that the Obama administration and Democrats have been lying about Obama’s wealth-spreading “Stimulus” creating jobs, when in reality, Obama’s failed job-killing, wealth-spreading “stimulus” didn’t actually create jobs for the unemployed. The “stimulus” only stole workers from other companies where they were already employed.

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has just released an important new study on the hiring practices of firms that used stimulus funds. It’s fairly comprehensive, based on over 1,300 surveys of managers and employees. There’s been very little good empirical data on the stimulus thus far, so the study contains a lot of valuable insights. Among the findings by authors Dan Rothschild and Garrett Jones:

Hiring isn’t the same as net job creation. In our survey, just 42.1 percent of the workers hired at ARRA-receiving organizations after January 31, 2009, were unemployed at the time they were hired (Appendix C). More were hired directly from other organizations (47.3 percent of post-ARRA workers), while a handful came from school (6.5%) or from outside the labor force (4.1%)(Figure 2). Thus, there was an

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New Record: Obama Increased U.S. Debt $4,247,000,000,000 In Just 945 Days

For those brain-dead liberal jackasses who say that Obama’s dangerous spending is not as bad as President Bush’s, take a look at this article that shows that Obama’s out-of-control spending binge has racked up $4,247,000,000,000 in debt in just 945 days – the highest total for any president in U.S. history.

The national debt goes up around 3 million every minute while Obama eats ice cream and golfs while on vacation.

Swallow all liquids in your mouth before reading any further.

Updated numbers for the national debt are just out: It’s now $14,639,000,000,000.

When Barack Obama took the oath of office twice on Jan. 20, 2009, CBS’ amazing number cruncher Mark Knoller reports, the national debt was $10,626,000,000,000.

That means the debt that our federal government owes a whole lot of somebodies including China has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days. That’s the fastest increase under any president ever.

Remember the day the Democrat promised to close the embarrassing Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility within one year? That day the national debt increased $4,247,000,000. And each day since that the facility

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