FBI Failed to Investigate Boston Bombers After Being Alerted by Russians of Tsarneav Radicalization 2 Years Before Bombing
This is completely typical of what we have seen from the terrorist-friendly Obama administration.

FBI Failed to Investigate Boston Bombers After Being Alerted by Russians of Tsarneav Radicalization 2 Years Before Bombing
Russian officials told the Obama administration and the FBI back in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become radicalized, but the terrorist-friendly Obama administration did nothing. (Similar to how the Obama administration did nothing to stop the terrorist attack of our Benghazi Consulate, and did not send help once the Benghazi terrorist attack began.)
If Obama, the Democrats, or the FBI had pulled their heads out of their asses for one minute they would have been able to stop the Boston Marathon Bombing.
- FBI agents failed to notify local police of Tsarneav dangers
- FBI agents failed to interview Tsarneav’s ex-girlfriend
- FBI agents failed to interview Tsarneav’s current wife
- FBI agents didn’t even go to Tsarneav’s mosque
Obama and the Democrats were probably too busy terrorizing Republicans and covering up their many crimes to bother looking into the Russian report that was received by the Obama administration at least years …
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