Weak Insignificant Jew-Hating Muslim Loser Louis Farrakhan Says They Will “Tear This Godd*m Country Apart!”
Jew Hater Louis Farrakhan isn’t a man – Farrakhan is an insignificant joke of a loser, and actually reminds me of the crazy murderer Jim Jones.

Weak Insignificant Jew-Hating Muslim Loser Louis Farrakhan Says They Will “Tear This Godd*m Country Apart!”
Farrakhan said that “we’ll tear this godd*m country apart!”, at a speech at the Jew-Hating Morgan State University, but Louis Farrakhan is too weak and inconsequential to even help tear a wet paper bag apart.
What’s new though? All Muslims want to tear the United States apart. This piece of shit loser wants so badly to be respected, but the only people that respect or even listen to Farrakhan are other brainless liberal Jew-hating losers.
I wonder how it feels for losers like Louis Farrakhan, who obviously has to know that 90% of the world will rejoice when he is finally dead?
…Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan threatened to “tear this godd*m country apart!” over Ferguson.
Farrakhan told parents to teach their kids how to toss Molotov cocktails.
The radical Jew-hater
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