Obama Screws Democrat Election Chances After Again Caving Into Fake Alarmists to Put Off Keystone XL Pipeline
The Democrats are completely screwed in the next election because of badly failed Obama policies that are bad for America.
Obama has once again caved into environmental extremists and has decided not to decide anything about the Keystone XL Pipeline, probably until after the midterm elections, which will be too late for Democrats.

Existing US Pipelines – Obama Screws Democrat Election Chances After Again Caving Into Fake Alarmists to Put Off Keystone Pipeline
Mark my words, most Democrats will run away from Obama and the Obama administration’s failed policies, and will try and hide from voters the fact that they are Democrats. You will see a lot of Democrat ads designed to make the Democrat look like a conservative, where the party affiliation will never be revealed, in hopes of tricking the American People into voting for the Democrat.
…Once again President Obama has bowed to his environmentalist supporters and passed on making a decision for or against the Keystone XL Pipeline. But the President’s refusal to make a decision has left several Democrats running for re-election stammering to explain
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