Dumb-Ass Liberal Hack Michael Tomasky Says Benghazi Terror Attack Was Fault of Ambassador Stevens Due to Being “Too Trusting”
Dumb-Ass liberal Daily Beast hack Michael Tomasky tries blaming Ambassador Chris Stevens for the Benghazi terrorist attack which killed him, and says that the ambassador was “too-trusting” and “made a misjudgment”.

Dumb-Ass Liberal Hack Michael Tomasky Says Benghazi Terror Attack Was Fault of Ambassador Stevens Due to Being “Too Trusting”
Now the attempt is somehow to criminalize bureaucratic error. In a dangerous place, a too-trusting ambassador made a misjudgment. Protests spread quickly from one city to another. Mistakes were undoubtedly made in the heat of the moment. That’s what you call a tragedy. A normal society tries to learn the lessons and move forward without repeating them. But we don’t live in a normal society. We live in a society with a political party that will twist the institutions of democracy like a pretzel until it takes on the desired shape and achieves the desired outcome.
Huh?? What “misjudgment” did Ambassador Stevens make?
Only a weak-ass liberal piece of shit would blame our murdered Ambassador for his own death, when anyone who had even the slightest inkling to find the …
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