Disgusting MSNBC Racist Hosts Melissa Harris-Perry Jokes With Racist Guests About Romney Family Picture

Disgusting MSNBC Racist Hosts Melissa Harris-Perry Jokes With Racist Guests About Romney Family Picture

Disgusting MSNBC Racist Hosts Melissa Harris-Perry Jokes With Racist Guests About Romney Family Picture

The disgustingly typical MSNBC Host and resident racist skank, Melissa Harris-Perry, took to the air with her equally disgusting guest skank, Pia Glenn, to attack the Romney family over a family picture showing one of Mitt Romney’s many grandsons, including an adopted black grandchild sitting on Mitt’s knee.

Maybe the gross weave on top of Melissa Harris-Perry’s weave-head is too tight, which made her temporarily forget that she herself was adopted, or at least raised by a large White Morman family.

I would bet that nappy-headed skank Melissa Harris-Perry’s family would look very similar to Mitt Romney’s, yet to the hacks at MSNBC, the adoption of a black child is a bad thing that signals problems with the Republican Party?

Nappy-headed skank Melissa Harris-Perry tries to be black on MSNBC, with that stinky weave-braid hat and her liberal drivel, but she is probably usually the whitest person in the room, and probably very ashamed that she had to be raised by a white family.


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