Disgusting Nation of Islam Printout Found By 8 Yr Old In Harold McCormick Elementary School Classroom
A teacher at Harold McCormick Elementary School printed out a very disgusting Nation of Islam propaganda sheet and had it available for 8 year old students to be subjected to, and now the 8 year old student whistle-blower is apparently being abused at the school for shedding light on Harold McCormick Elementary School’s anti-American teachings.

Disgusting Nation of Islam Printout Found By 8 Yr Old In Harold McCormick Elementary School Classroom
It’s also unbelievable that the school district would attack the 8 year old boy, making him out to be a liar who took something that was not his, without permission. Complete bullshit!
“The student (without permission) took the sheet from a “ton” of discarded teacher’s material on that table; then, the student took it home and gave it to the parent,” – Elizabethton Superintendent E.C. Alexander
The Nation of Islam propaganda sheet comparing our Founding Fathers on Mount Rushmore to racists was said to have been on a secondary table next to the teacher’s desk, and that the page was printed out my mistake, and taken . The problem …
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