“Separation of Church and State” Continues to be Bastardized By Anti-Religion Liberals – Conservative Pussies Do Nothing

"Separation of Church and State" Continues to be Bastardized By Anti-Religion Liberals - Conservative Pussies Do Nothing

“Separation of Church and State” Continues to be Bastardized By Anti-Religion Liberals – Conservative Pussies Do Nothing

The “Separation of Church and State” was originally designed to keep the United States Government from being able to push one religion over another, but these rules have been completely bastardized by brainless anti-religion liberals and Anarchists to mean that anything that the government touches cannot have any religious input.

The jackasses on the left know that the current way they have been using the law is not correct, but the people on the right are complete pussies who will not stand up for their rights until their rights have been taken away; then the pussy conservatives will finally speak up.

While the left takes away our rights, the nutless conservative pussies are too weak to do anything to stop them.

A Florida ministry that feeds the poor said the USDA told them they would not be allowed to receive government food unless they removed portraits of Christ, the Ten Commandments, a banner that read “Jesus is Lord” and stopping giving Bibles to

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