Obama Pet Green Company Fiscker Automotive Received $529 Million – Latest To File For Bankruptcy

Obama-Pet-Fisker-Filing-BankruptcyThe Ultra-Corrupt and Brain-Dead Obama Administration has thrown $ Billions of our hard-earned money straight down the toilet, (or in other words, lining the pockets of Obama’s friends and supporters) and the latest Obama shill-company to go under, Fiscker Automotive, will leave tax payers with the huge $529 million bill!

Oh, and Fiscker only made electric cars that cost around $115,000.

Obama wasted $529 million of our money investing in a luxury car company that made cars that only the top 1% of the rich could EVER afford. That’s right. We all paid Obama’s promise to line the pockets of his friends at Fiscker, even though almost none of us would ever be buying one of the pieces of crap.

Everyone should have known that when you get Al Gore, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama together, the only think you will get is lies, corruption, and waste.

Fiscker Automotive, a darling of the Obama Administration’s push for green energy and electric cars has hired the powerful Chicago-based Kirkland Ellis law firm to explore a potential bankruptcy filing, according to reports.

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Technology Company Files Lawsiut Allegeing Mass Favoritism Corruption and Negligence in Obama’s Green Energy Choices

Technology Company Files Lawsiut Allegeing Mass Favoritism Corruption and Negligence in Obama's Green Energy Choices

Technology Company Files Lawsiut Allegeing Mass Favoritism Corruption and Negligence in Obama’s Green Energy Choices

A San Francisco-based company, XP Technology, has filed a lawsuit against Obama’s Department of Energy for their favoritism, corruption, and negligence.
The lawsuit claims that the DOE played favorites with Obama’s friends, and their corrupt and negligent favoritism was used to drive competing companies out of business.

Everyone who didn’t have their head stuck up their assholes would have been able to tell you that the Obama administration was playing favorites before the election, when we could have done something about removing the worst president in US history, but all we can do now is continue pointing out the corruption in hopes that some of the dumb-asses may snap out of it, pull their heads out of their asses, and hold Obama accountable for his many complete failures.

Who remembers when Republican car dealerships were closed by Obama, while Obama’s friends and cronies kept their dealerships? We do, and this is no different – just other companies involved.

A lawsuit filed in federal court on

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