Obama Was Aware of Big Problems at Fisker Before Handing Out $529 Million Loan

Obama Was Aware of Big Problems at Fisker Before Handing Out $529 Million LoanObama and his cronies are complete fucking criminals! Is this REALLY news? Why is everyone so f’ing stupid?

After all of the green energy failures that Obama has presided over, we are now starting to get breaking reports that the Obama administration knew about, and ignored serious pre-existing problems with the each of the companies that he threw $ billions of our money at?

Every one of the green energy companies that Obama wasted our money on were already dead, shells of companies that were designed to take huge loans from the government, and then file bankruptcy. Allowing Obama’s friends and supporters who ran the shill companies to pocket $ millions of free money, in return for campaign bundling, and voter fraud.

Newly released documents show that the Obama administration was warned as early as 2010 that electric car maker Fisker Automotive Inc. was not meeting milestones set up for a half-billion dollar government loan, nearly a year before U.S. officials froze the loan after questions were raised about the company’s statements.

An Energy Department official said in a June

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Obama Pet Green Company Fiscker Automotive Received $529 Million – Latest To File For Bankruptcy

Obama-Pet-Fisker-Filing-BankruptcyThe Ultra-Corrupt and Brain-Dead Obama Administration has thrown $ Billions of our hard-earned money straight down the toilet, (or in other words, lining the pockets of Obama’s friends and supporters) and the latest Obama shill-company to go under, Fiscker Automotive, will leave tax payers with the huge $529 million bill!

Oh, and Fiscker only made electric cars that cost around $115,000.

Obama wasted $529 million of our money investing in a luxury car company that made cars that only the top 1% of the rich could EVER afford. That’s right. We all paid Obama’s promise to line the pockets of his friends at Fiscker, even though almost none of us would ever be buying one of the pieces of crap.

Everyone should have known that when you get Al Gore, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama together, the only think you will get is lies, corruption, and waste.

Fiscker Automotive, a darling of the Obama Administration’s push for green energy and electric cars has hired the powerful Chicago-based Kirkland Ellis law firm to explore a potential bankruptcy filing, according to reports.

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John Kerry Used Privileged Insider Information To Rake In $ Millions In Dirty Money?

John Kerry seems to know how to beat the system, and has worked overtime, allegedly using privileged insider information regarding the policies the Obama administration and the Democrats were enacting, to scam his way into $ millions in dirty money.

There needs to be an investigation into the rampant corruption in our government, and after the probe has been completed, we should throw all of the criminals in prison for a very long time!

Failed Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry’s (D., Mass.) long history of ethically dubious investments could invite controversy as he takes on a new role as a “top surrogate” for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

Kerry’s net worth as listed on his 2011 financial disclosure form is at least $193 million and likely much higher, making him the wealthiest member of the Senate. He is also a prolific investor, maintaining an array of stocks and other holdings through a mix of family trusts, marital trusts, and commingled fund accounts with his wife, Big Ketchup baroness Teresa Heinz.

The five-term Senator has a well-documented history of investing in

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New Obama Green Energy Pet Goes Bankrupt – American Taxpayer Loses $118 Million

Ener1, an Obama-backed hybrid car battery company files for bankruptcy

Ener1, an Obama-backed hybrid car battery company files for bankruptcy

Yet, another Green Energy pet of the Obama administration, Ener1, who received $118 Million in government funding, is now filing for bankruptcy! SHOCKING!!!

Take this latest waste of our money by the Obama administration, and add it to the other Obama-backed companies who took millions of dollars of our money, only to turn right around and file for bankruptcy, and I bet that the total is nearing a trillion dollars of lost money.

You can easily see that the Obama administration either has their hands dirty, in the pot of our money, or they just have no clue how to run an economy. We think it’s probably some of both! Obama definitely has no clue how to run an economy, and Obama is also very famous for spreading our wealth to his friends, family, and supporters.

The parent company of an electric car battery maker that received more than $100 million in government funding from the Obama administration has filed for bankruptcy protection, the company announced Thursday.

Alex Sorokin, the

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