Lorne Michaels Admits Saturday Night Live Writers Attack Conservatives Because It’s Easier that Attacking Liberals

Lorne Michaels Admits Saturday Night Live Writers Attack Conservatives Because It’s Easier that Attacking Liberals
The last time that Saturday Night Live was actually funny on a consistent basis was back in 2000 when Will Ferrell was on the show, and even then the only thing really funny about the show were the skits that Will Ferrell was in. Honestly, if there was something – ANYTHING funny about Saturday Night Live, I might grit my teeth and bear the many unpleasant moments of the show to see another “Mister Robinson’s Neighborhood”, with Eddie Murphy. Unfortunately, good SNL skits like these are a thing of the past.
We tried giving SNL many chances to be funny over the years, but usually ended up turning off the show after the liberal jackasses immediately begin …
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