Ridin’ the Storm Out: Todd Akin Still Gives Missouri a Chance to Boot Obama Lapdog Claire McCaskill

Ridin' the Storm Out: Akin Still Gives MO a Good Chance to Send Obama Lapdog Claire McCaskill Packing

Ridin’ the Storm Out: Akin Still Gives MO a Good Chance to Send Obama Lapdog Claire McCaskill Packing

Todd Akin has to have the backbone of a f’ing horse! Like the REO Speedwagon song, he’s ridin’ the storm out.

Representative Akin took a lot of heat for uttering one stupid sentence that was obviously not thought out or worded correctly. Akin took responsibility for the statement and apologized immediately, and yet across the country called for Mr. Akin’s head on a pike while trying to force him to withdraw from the senate race against corrupt Senator Claire McCaskill.

Tod Akin did not waver or bend to the intense pressure that he must have felt from all sides, and has actually kept the race close with McCaskill on little money and less support.

Obama's Joker: St Louis Claire McCaskill Street Sign

Obama’s Joker: St Louis Claire McCaskill Street Sign

After weathering the storm, Todd Akin has now started to get support back from different important people and organizations, including the Republican establishment, so he can start to really compete again, with little time to get up to speed.

It’s …

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Former Human Rights Commission Employee & S.F. Gay Rights Advocate Arrested For Child Porn

Former Human Rights Commission Employee & S.F. Gay Rights Advocate Arrested For Child Porn

Former Human Rights Commission Employee & S.F. Gay Rights Advocate Arrested For Child Porn. Brinkin had pornographic images that appear to show children as young as 1 and 2 or 3 years old being sodomized and performing oral sex on adult men.

San Francisco Police arrested the former Human Rights Commission employee and high-profile gay activist, 66-year-old Larry Brinkin, on possession of child pornography showing children between the ages of 1 and 3 years old being sodomized, and performing oral sex on adult men.

Larry Brinkin, the sick bastard, needs to spend some time in jail for being in possession of such disturbing child pornography!

San Francisco police have arrested veteran gay rights advocate Larry Brinkin in connection with felony possession of child pornography.

Brinkin, 66, who worked for the San Francisco Human Rights Commission before his retirement in 2010, was taken into custody Friday night. He spent the night in jail before he was released on bail, according to a spokeswoman for the sheriff’s department.

The district attorney’s office will decide Tuesday whether to file charges. “We’re still reviewing

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Obama: I Was “Too Busy” To Help Failed Wisconsin Recall Election

Obama is saying that he supported Democratic candidate Tom Barrett in the attempted recall of Gov. Scott Walker, but as president, he has a lot of responsibilities, and was just too busy to help.

We all know what Obama was doing during the run-up to the recall election. Obama did not concern himself with his supporters in Wisconsin during the recall election. Instead, Obama was hiding from the recall because he knew they were going to lose, and didn’t want another loss on his record, for the people he has tried to support. Obama was also campaigning for himself, and rubbing elbows with Hollywood personalities, willing to pay thousands of dollars to have dinner, or take a picture with Obama.

So when Obama says that he was too busy for the citizens of Wisconsin, he meant it. Obama only cares about himself, and will do and say ANYTHING to get re-elected.

President Obama says White House duties kept him away from Wisconsin during the recent recall election — and he doesn’t think the Democratic defeat there will mean much for

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Female Democrats Want Apology For Rep. West’s Accurate Wasserman Schultz Observations

Why should Rep. Allen West apologize for his accurate observations he made regarding the partisan political hack, and complete shill and liar for the Obama administration?

He shouldn’t apologize at all. In fact I think he was 100% correct when he called Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz “vile”, “unprofessional”, “despicable”, and even that part about not being a lady. I would think that the job of going around covering up the lies, and cleaning up the piles of crap left everywhere by Obama, and the rest of the Culture of Corruption Democrats, must not be a very lady-like or fun job.

New York Democrats argue that “If [West] had given those comments on the floor of the House of Representatives, his words would have been taken down and stricken from the record because his words were nothing more than personal attacks, and the rules of this Congress do not permit personal attacks.”

But Rep. West DIDN’T give those remarks on the House floor, you jackasses! He said it directly to the “vile”, “unprofessional”, “despicable”, and not so lady-like Wasserman Schultz in …

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