CDC & Obama Administration Lies to American People About Ebola Dangers & Possible Ways To Catch Deadly Ebola Virus

Obama Administration Lies to American People About Ebola Dangers & Possible Ways To Catch Deadly Ebola Virus
Obama tells the American People that you cannot catch Ebola on a train, plane or bus, but that is a bald-faced lie, and he knows it. In reality, it is very easy to catch Ebola on any form of public transportation, if an infected person is there as well.
The Obama administration would rather continue lying to America though, saying whatever bullshit lie will help them the most at that exact minute. As the needs of Obama and the Democrats change, their lies are sure to change as well.
Now the hapless idiots at the CDC are telling us that Ebola could be “contracted by contact with a doorknob contaminated by a sneeze” “an hour or more before”, but even this is a lie, as we have already been told that Ebola can live on objects and …
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