Self-Serving Race Baiter Sharpton Will Go to SC Despite Classy Scott Family Telling Him To Stay Away
The ultra-classy family of Walter Scott, the man murdered by North Charleston Police Officer Michael Slager, have told the piece of shit, self-serving race baiter, Al Sharpton, to stay away.
The Scott family knows that Al Sharpton is a charlatan who would end up turning their town into another war zone – the same way he did in Ferguson.
Al Sharpton can’t stay away though because Sharpton is a racist scum sucker, who makes his living off the hardships of Black People.
If Al Sharpton didn’t make his way to South Carolina, he wouldn’t be able to make money off Walter Scott’s murder, and he can’t have that, so Al announced that he is going to SC anyway, despite the family not wanting him there – saying that he has been “invited to preach”, but we are sure this is a lie.
“I have been invited to preach in North Charleston, SC, on Sunday and to help lead a healing prayer vigil that afternoon by local clergy who have worked on this case from the beginning.”
Al Sharpton doesn’t “preach”, …
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