Terry McAuliffe Vows to Keep Unclean & Substandard Abortion Clinics Open Despite Not Meeting State Health Requirements
Brain-dead Liberal jackass Terry McAuliffe has vowed to issue a directive that allows substandard abortion clinics, who don’t meet state health board requirements, to stay open, if he wins his race for Governor.
Out of 18 active abortion clinics that Virginia Democrats and liberals frequent, only one (1) of the Virginia abortion clinics meets state health board requirements. We would bet that many, if not all of these baby killing clinics have never even been inspected by the Health Department – just as in the case of Gosnell’s “House of Horrors”, and it’s pretty sick and sad that Democrats allow these substandard baby murdering rings to continue to operate.
So, lets get this straight. Even though 18 of the 19 abortion clinics in Virgina don’t meet state health standards, and should be closed, good-ol’ Terry says that they’re good enough.. Afterall, all they are doing in these substandard baby murdering facilities is killing live babies by snipping the live baby’s spinal cords with …
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