Brain Dead UN Liberals Continue Claiming Human Cause to Global Warming Ignore No Warming in Last 15 Years

Brain Dead UN Liberals Continue Claiming Human Cause to Global Warming Ignore No Warming in Last 15 Years

Brain Dead UN Liberals Continue Claiming Human Cause to Global Warming Ignore No Warming in Last 15 Years

Liberals continue to claim that humans are the cause of Global Warming, even though there has been almost no warming of the earth in over 15 years.

The fact that the earth stopped warming over 15 years ago was completely ignored by a new UN report on climate change because the absence of global warming does not help the liberals continue their decade-old global warming scam.

Al Gore is the ringmaster of the brain-dead liberals perpetuating the global warming lie, for no other reason than to put more dirty money in his own pockets.

An exhaustive United Nations report that claimed with 95% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming left out data that found the planet has stopped warming over the last 15 years, because it did not fit with the climate change agenda it wanted to advance.

The report, produced by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), could not explain “why the planet has largely stopped warming

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Weiner Won’t Quit Mayor Race After Being Caught AGAIN In New Online Sexual Tryst – Only Months After Resigning From Congress

Anthony Weiner is a complete scumbag, and the only reason why his wife is sticking it out for the time being is because she has probably been promised a lot of dirty money and a bunch of other perks for keeping her mouth shut about what is really happening in their relationship.

We think that the marriage between Anthony and Huma Weiner has been over for a while now, but they are still together mainly for the appearance, and nothing more.

I mean really.. what kind of woman would stand by her lying, cheating, scumbag of a husband after the just the first scandal, but now to stick with him after he made her look like a complete fool once again? This marriage will not last much past the election, where we hope the good people of NY will reject “Weiner the Pervert”.

“Some of his messages were enough to make a porn star blush.”



The other shoe dropped yesterday for Anthony Weiner, who was forced to admit he engaged in a months-long sexting affair with a woman — a

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Inspector General: Obama’s Corrupt GSA Threw Huge Government Contracts at Failing Crony Companies

Just as we have reported for months and months – The Corrupt Obama Administration has been lining the pockets of their cronies since they took over the White House.

The only ways to get ahead in the Obama administration is to bundle dirty money for Obama’s never-ending campaign, or to help the corrupt Obama administration coverup their crimes. If you do either of those two things, you will most assuredly be given a cushy job in the Obama administration.

According to the Inspector General for the General Services Administration, managers at the GSA helped their friends in the private sector get lucrative contracts. The stunning report shows that GSA managers routinely overruled contracting officers on certain accounts, including Carahsoft and two large IT contracts with Deloitte and Oracle. The contracts amounted to $900 million in 2011 alone. The IG found, according to the Federal Times, that “After GSA managers intervened in contracting officer decisions, the result was higher-than-appropriate prices for federal customers and a demoralized acquisition staff for GSA.”

The Carahsoft deal created “inflated pricing.” The Deloitte contract increased labor

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Harry Reid Accepted Illegal Campaign Contributions From Convicted Felon Former Lobbyist

Harry Reid Accepted Illegal Campaign Contributions From Convicted Felon Former Lobbyist [/caption]Democrat Lobbyist Harvey Whittemore was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions to Harry Reid, and Harry Reid thinks he did nothing wrong by taking the dirty money.

Harry Reid Accepted Illegal Campaign Contributions From Convicted Felon Former Lobbyist

Lobbyist Harvey Whittemore apparently gave $5,000 checks to his friends and family, and asked each of them to use the money to donate to Harry Reid’s campaign fund, thereby skirting campaign finance laws.

Harry Reid probably thinks that he is off the hook after raking in $150,000 in illegal campaign contributions promised to Reid by a former lobbyist, and convicted felon.

We think that Harry Reid knew he was taking dirty money, and he should be held accountable for his corruption.

A former Nevada powerbroker was convicted Wednesday of making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Sen. Harry Reid.

A federal jury reached the verdict in the case against real estate developer and once powerful lobbyist Harvey Whittemore.

The jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts on charges of making excessive campaign contributions, making contributions in the name of another and causing a false statement

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Obama Administration Coverup Whitewashes Illegal Online Fundraising Story

Obama Administration Coverup Whitewashes Illegal Online Fundraising Story

Obama Administration Coverup Whitewashes Illegal Online Fundraising Story

The Obama administration is working hard to try and kill the breaking news stories reporting that over 70% of the donations that Obama has received may be illegal due to their foreign sources.

The Obama administration even actively disabled the portion of the website security that would have stopped these fraudulent donations from being accepted, knowing that they will never be forced to show how much dirty money the Obama administration’s calculated deceit and cheating has raked in.

Minutes after Newsweek published a story on the threat of illegal foreign and fraudulent online campaign donations late Monday afternoon, the Obama campaign struck back hard with a response smearing one of the article’s authors and offered an anemic defense of its online fundraising operations.

Earlier today, Breitbart News and myriad news agencies reported on a new 108-page investigation conducted by the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) which examines the online donation systems of the entire U.S. Congress and the two presidential candidates. The report found that 47.3% of all House and Senate donation websites

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John Kerry Used Privileged Insider Information To Rake In $ Millions In Dirty Money?

John Kerry seems to know how to beat the system, and has worked overtime, allegedly using privileged insider information regarding the policies the Obama administration and the Democrats were enacting, to scam his way into $ millions in dirty money.

There needs to be an investigation into the rampant corruption in our government, and after the probe has been completed, we should throw all of the criminals in prison for a very long time!

Failed Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry’s (D., Mass.) long history of ethically dubious investments could invite controversy as he takes on a new role as a “top surrogate” for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

Kerry’s net worth as listed on his 2011 financial disclosure form is at least $193 million and likely much higher, making him the wealthiest member of the Senate. He is also a prolific investor, maintaining an array of stocks and other holdings through a mix of family trusts, marital trusts, and commingled fund accounts with his wife, Big Ketchup baroness Teresa Heinz.

The five-term Senator has a well-documented history of investing in

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Obama Decides To Return Dirty Campaign Contributions from Criminal Fund Raisers

Obama Lies, Then Agrees To Return Dirty Campaign Contributions from Criminal Fund Raisers

Obama Lies, Then Agrees To Return Dirty Campaign Contributions from Criminal Fund Raisers

The Obama administration initially denied knowledge one of the criminal brothers who have been raising major re-election donation funds for the Obama campaign, but then later the same day, the Obama administration reversed it’s claim, and now say that they plan on returning the more than $200,000 in dirty money the criminals had raised for Obama’s re-election bid.

The two criminal brothers, who fled the US to get away with being charged with felony drug and fraud charges, have now been working with Democrats to try and get a pardon, allowing for legal re-entry into the United States.

The criminal brothers know that the corrupt “Above the Law” Democrats are the best people to go to for help, because the Democrat Culture of Corruption shows them that the criminal brothers and the Democrat party are very similar. They also realize that Republicans would laugh in their faces, and turn them in, instead of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from the pair of criminals, as Obama did.…

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