Halfwit Harry Reid Says Obamacare Flopping Because People “Are Not Educated On How To Use the Internet”
What?? So the reason why Obamacare is a complete flop is because people don’t know how to use the Internet, not the fact that the Obamacare website has never worked properly, and the rampant security problems with the website that puts everyone’s personal information in jeopardy, the many Criminal Obamacare Navigators who did not have to pass background checks to be given access to people’s private information, Obama’s daily end-run around Congress to change to the law, the unconstitutional Individual Mandate that forces everyone to jump on board with Obamacare or face a hefty fine from the corrupt IRS. The list goes on and on.

Halfwit Harry Reid Says Obamacare Flopping Because People “Are Not Educated on How To Use the Internet”
Harry Reid is one of the most corrupt and untrustworthy members of the Senate, and nothing that comes out of Harry Reid’s mouth should be taken as the truth. In fact, 99% of the crap spewing out of Harry Reid’s mouth are outright lies, designed to mislead the American People.
The truth is that Obamacare is failing under …
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