IL Republicans Blast Corrupt Democrats For Using “Under-Handed” & “Sneaky” Maneuver For Obama Library Funds

No wonder how the Culture of Corruption (AKA the Democrat Party) in Illinois was able to secure $100 million of Illinois taxpayer money to pay for Obama’s presidential library.


The corrupt Illinois Democrats “proceeded with a vote without having any Republicans present”

“What they did last week was under-handed and sneaky, and offers further proof that they no longer can be trusted with taxpayer money” – House Republican Leader Jim Durkin

Democrats try and explain away their corruption saying that the $100 million “would not come from the state’s operating funds, but from existing construction funds.”

Who the fuck cares from what pot of public money you are stealing the $100 million? IT IS STILL TAXPAYER MONEY! Dumb asses!

Obama must think highly of himself, as the Democrats are comparing him to Abraham Lincoln, saying that since Illinois spent $100 million on an Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield then that sets the precedent for Obama to use public money.

That is a joke. Obama is not even half the President that Abraham Lincoln was, and never will …

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