Corrupt Anti 2nd Amendment D.C. Liberals Continue Abusing Power by Attacking Law Abiding Citizen Over Guns
The unelected and corrupt D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan, and other corrupt anti 2nd amendment liberals in the District of Columbia continue abusing their power, attacking a law abiding citizen as payback for not giving up his guns, which are kept Virginia.

Corrupt Anti 2nd Amendment D.C. Liberals Continue Abusing Power by Attacking Law Abiding Citizen Over Guns
Idiots in the District of Columbia wanted to confiscate Mark Witaschek’s guns, and traveled his sister’s home in Virginia to get them, but his sister would not hand over the guns. The so-called “authorities” in D.C. must not like when someone stands up to them, because now they no longer just want Witaschek’s guns. Now the corrupt liberals want to ruin the man’s life by sending in the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue attack dogs to try and ruin his business.
We agree that the Obama and the Democrat’s horrible abuses of power must come to an end! (before his is out of office)
The American People need to stand behind Mark Witaschek, and against the corrupt D.C. government, and stop …
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